In 1061 Stavoren officially got city rights.
The weapon consists of a golden crown and 2 crossed crosiers that refer to the patrons, the archbishop of Cologne and the bishop of Utrecht.

Mid 1300 wars started between Friesland and Holland. The Frisians were victorious at the 'Slag bij Warns' (battle at Warns). You can find a monument 'Leaver dea as sleaf' (rather dead than slave) on the ' Reade Klif' (red cliff) between Stavoren and Laaksum.
Due to the wars Stavoren got poor. Poverty is what the tale 'Vrouwtje van Stavoren' (little woman of Stavoren) is based on.

A very rich merchant's widow asked the skipper of her fleet to bring her the most precious good in the world. He brought her grain that seemed to him more valuable than gold. She was furious and had him throw the grain overboard. A passer by told her not to do it because if she ever got poor, grain would be gold to her. She took off her golden ring, threw it in the water and said: "No more will this ring return to me nor will I get poor".

A fisherman found a golden ring in the fish he caught. He brought it to the merchant's widow. From that day on her fate turned. Her fleet disappeared in a storm and she got very poor.
Or as a Dutch saying goes: Pride comes before the fall.

There is a fountain in Stavoren of the fish. Who knows if someone will find the ring?
In 2018 each of the 11 Frisian cities got a special fountain made by an artist. It is very worthwhile to visit them. Nearby are the fountains of Hindeloopen and Workum.